note making of on the face of it
Mr. Lamb’s positive influence of Derry 1 Mr. Lamb himself physically handicapped, ridiculed and rejected. Derry could accept what he said. 2 His attitude (i) Mr. lamb not scared or repulsed (ii) Treats him like a normal person (iii) Understands Derry, doesn’t lecture or moralize (iv) Doesn’t get angry or put off by Derry’s rude behaviour 3 His views different from others (i) Tells Derry that he can lead a normal like in spite of disfiguration. (ii) No negativity unlike his overprotective parents (iii) World is in Derry’s hands (iv) Handicap not an obstacle (v) All are similar in eyes of God (vi) Accept all and they will accept you back. (vii) Remember the good things and not the bad ones. (viii) Everyone can be mad