
Showing posts from June, 2019

memories of Childhood

SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS      (3 Marks Each) Q1. Who was `Zitkala Sa’? Ans.  Zitkala Sa is the pen-name of Gertrude Simmons Bonnin. She was an American-Indian born in the late nineteenth century who suffered racial discrimination at the hands of Christians. Q2. What does Zitkala-Sa remember about her ‘first day in the land of apples’? Ans.  Zitkala recalls that it was a bitterly cold day and there was snow on the ground. The trees were bare. There was a large bell that rang for breakfast and its loud metallic sound crashed through the belfry overhead and penetrated through her sensitive ears. Q3. Who was Bama? Ans.  Bama is the pen-name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. She published three main works, Kurukku, an autobiography, Sangati a novel and Kisumbukkaaran a collection of short stories. Kurukku is an account of the discrimination faced by Tamil Dalit women. Q4. What happened when Zitkala-Sa reached the hall for b...